12.10.23 at 18:00
NART, Joala 18
Free entrance
In October, Narva Art Residence will host the latest Narva Children’s Literature residents – writer Veronika Kivisilla and Lithuanian illustrator Greta Alice. On Thursday, 12 October at 18:00, everyone is invited to NART (Joala 18, Narva) to a cozy meet-and-greet with them. They will present their work and plans for Narva.
In mid-summer, Narva Art Residency NART and the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre (ELK) announced a competition for a Narva children’s literature residency and scholarship. Two scholarship laureates – one writer and one illustrator – were selected among several dozen applicants, each of whom was awarded a scholarship and the opportunity to spend a month in Narva. The two creatives will live in the Narva Art Residence this October to gather inspiration and work on their planned creative work. The final version of Greta Alice’s wordless comic book and Kivisilla’s manuscript about the legendary Narva veterinarian Hjalmar will be completed in spring 2024.
Greta Alice arrived in Narva on Tuesday, 3 October. She plans to meet the children of Narva and organise workshops for them. On 21 October, Greta Alice’s interactive drawing and improvisation performance will take place at the Narva Art Residence. During the meetings, she will collect stories, thoughts, drawings and ideas from Narva children for her book. The central theme of the book is bridges.
Artifacturism – remembering through movement; memories triggered by places and objects.
Artifacturists (choreographers Valeria Januškevitš, Keity Pook, Kadri Sirel, Sigrid Savi, and dramaturg Kerli Ever) have been working in the Vaba Lava Narva residency since October 2nd to bring to the fore beliefs and understandings deposited in us through meeting with the urban space, and to open up space for doubts and rewritings. For this, the artifacturists teach themselves to notice the emotional layers of a place – reading and researching, wandering and mapping trajectories, creating routines, making sense of and mediating the experienced,
listening, discussing, embodying.
The artifacturists' residency takes place within the Moving Identities program.
Moving Identities is a 3-year residency program funded by the Creative Europe program, which creates a more sustainable, diverse, and inclusive platform for European identities in the performing arts.