Participants of the education programme will talk about artworks and topics that have spoken to them during the programme.
N.B. Due to Covid-restrictions we kindly ask you to register your attendance by filling out THIS FORM.
Saturday 29.05
12:00 – 13:00 Marija Bolšakova and Margarita Skripkina, in Russian
Marija explores the life cycle of man and nature in reference to dementia (process of creation, searching for yourself and destruction) through the artworks of Saara-Maria Kariranta, Alma Heikkilä and Flora Reznik. Margarita responds to the universe of words and gestures by tackling historical violence, social upheavals, intimacy and state of emergency through the artworks Hannah Mevis, Pia Arke and Nina Schuiki.
Saturday 19.06
12:00 – 13:00 Ekaterina Koreshkova and Anfissa Jerjomina, in Russian
The participants of the education programme will talk about artworks and topics that have spoken to them during the programme. Ekaterina investigates possibilities of humans living in symbiosis with the environment through the artworks of Melanie Bonajo, Felipe de Avila Franco and Anne Noble. Anfissa delves into the environment and humans’ interactions with it by creating connections with and within the artworks of Sissel Marie Tonn, Sepideh Ardalani + Sandra Kosorotova (garden for death) and Marit Mihklepp.
The education programme is curated by Kerttu Juhkam and supported by the British Council in Estonia and NomadIT.
Read more about the programme HERE. More information about the exhibition can be found HERE.