Narva Urban Lab explores urban processes and transformations in the context of Narva city. The lab was initiated by Narva Art Residency and Ruumiringlus. This year it will take place on May 11th carrying a title “(Re)configuring Territories”.
9.30 Opening (NART – Narva art-residency, Joala 18)
10.00-19.00 Workshops (registration is needed, links below)
19.00 Evening at Kreenholm:
– Long table party (bring your home bakery with you)
– Tour d’ÖÖ bicycle ride
– Spring School exhibition: “(Re)configuring Territories” Authors: Aiwen Yin, Damiano Cerrone, Polina Medvedeva and spring school participants
– Documentary movie: “Gerassimov’s women” (Birgit Rosenberg)
– DJ: Simonred & Ken Two
Nr 1: Borderless city : what kind of a meeting place we want to create?
register here: https://narvaartresidency.typeform.com/to/C6VcHk
Nr 2: How to tune your bicycle?
register here: https://narvaartresidency.typeform.com/to/rKhXPb
Nr 3: What to do with the abandoned places?
register here: https://narvaartresidency.typeform.com/to/UzVqme
Parallelly with Narva Urban Lab 6-12 May takes place an international spring school curated by Helsinki based Trojan Horse initiative. Two events will create a platform that brings together the local community and professionals from the field of architecture and art. The theme will explore ‘border’ conception – its’ role as a separator but also as a connector. It will investigate geographical, political and cultural borders resulting in a community event ‘Kreenholm Evening’.
Organizers: NART – Narva Art Residency and NGO Ruumiringlus
Partners and supporters: EKA, Narva Gate, Kultuuriministeerium, Trojan Horse, Soome Instituut, Eesti Kultuurkapital, British Council, Tartu Ülikooli Narva Kolledž, Kohvik No2, Ida-Virumaa Kutsehariduskeskus, Linnaratturite Liit ja Tour d’ÖÖ, Maiasmokk, iFruit, ÖÖ STUUDIO MTÜ
More info:
Spring School:
The event is supported by the Finnish Institute in Estonia.