Artists: Diana Tamane, Lydia Hannah, Yevgeny Zolotko
Curator: Laura Toots
19 September – 14 November 2021
NART – Narva Art Residency
Joala 18, 20103 Narva
Hours: Tues, Thurs – Sun 11-18 (Mon, Wed closed)
14:00 – The opening of the exhibition “Portrait of an Emotion” is preceded by a tour by a group of young people Art Revolutionaries / Narva st.ART. Together with the artist Maria Kapajeva they have produced murals based on legendary Kreenholm designs from the Narva Museum collection.
The tour will be in 3 languages: Estonian, English, Russian.
Meeting point in front of NART (Joala 18). More information here.
Opening of the exhibition “Portrait of an Emotion” is held on 18 September:
15:00 – Tour with the exhibition’s curator Laura Toots, in Estonian and Russian
16:00 – Opening of the exhibition
The evening continues with a live performance by Analogue Quattro – musicians from Sillamäe.
Food is provided by White Good Food Truck.
Free entrance.
We kindly ask all visitors over the age of 18 to present a COVID-19 certificate (proof of vaccination, of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 180 days, or proof of a recent negative test) and your ID to participate in the event. There is no rapid testing on-site.
Portrait of an Emotion is co-organised with Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM) as part of the programme for the sixth Tallinn Photomonth Contemporary Art Biennial.
Supporters: Estonian Ministry of Culture, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Union of Photography Artists FOKU, Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM), The General Delegation of the Government of Flanders, The Integration Foundation, and Narva Gate.