340 artists applied to come to the Narva Art Residency and 16 were selected to the artists-in-residence programme in 2022
340 artists applied to come to the Narva Art Residency and 16 were selected to the artists-in-residence programme in 2022
Narva Art Residency announced its open call for artists-in-residence last December and received a total of 340 applications from 69 different countries. 16 artists, artistic duos and creatives were selected to join NART residencies in 2022.
The residents were chosen by a jury including Maria Lind (curator from Sweden and the councillor of culture at the Swedish embassy in Moscow), Maria Kapajeva (contemporary and photo artist from Narva, London, now based in Tallinn), Denis Polubojarov (city artist of Narva), Gregor Taul (Estonian art historian and curator) and Johanna Rannula (head of Narva Art Residency).
As the open call was more popular than expected and the number of applications was double the amount of 2020, the jury decided to include more artists than initially planned. The length of the residency period varies from three to nine weeks. The residents will be accommodated at the historical John Carr’s Villa and have access to the Kreenholm Factory. The open call focused on artists whose aim was to work with the community of Narva and/or the local context.
Andrea Stanislav (USA / Russia) aims to create a multi-channel immersive video installation compiled of interviews with a group of old ladies whom she met at Kohtla-Järve in 2019. (www.andreastanislav.com/)
Dambi Kim (South Korea) is a tea ceremony master who runs a herbal pharmacy lab called “Dambi’s tearoom”(www.dambikim.com/)
Daria Akimova (Russia) will come to the residency with her son. She aims to make a comfortable safe space for mothers and their children for daily meetings of artistic practices (vimeo.com/dashaakimova)
Iris Honderdos and Arno Peeters (the Netherlands) will explore the surroundings to start a community art project (tapetv.nl/presentation)
Jacque Falcheti (Brazil) aims to compose 6 songs that are inspired by the city of Narva. She experiments with melodic paths, Brazilian rhythms and poetry (jacquefalcheti.com/)
Kaisu Koivisto (Finland) has been at NART a few years back and she will continue her work of taking photos of Kreenholm and making digital collages (www.kaisukoivisto.com)
Kent Robinson (France) continues a project to create an alphabet that combines Cyrillic and Latin. The border town of Narva is quite appropriate for that (kentrobinson.fr/)
Leah Schulze (Germany) creates interactive communication tools for people suffering from dementia and their families. She does her fieldwork at Narva care home (clink-playfuldesign.com/)
Lia Dostlieva and Andrii Dostliev (Ukraine) are artists and cultural anthropologists. They will create a participative audiovisual installation that explores the traumatic Soviet past (dostliev.org/, liadostlieva.org/)
Liina Siib (Estonia) will collect material for a film script that stems from the 1962 Soviet science fiction romance film “Amphibian Man” (liinasiib.com)
Maksym Kozlov and Oksana Trypolska (Ukraine) will interview Narva’s residents and compile photography and video from private and public archives to study the local fashion of the 1990s and 2000s. (maksymkozlov.persona.co/)
Nazarii Zanoz (Ukraine) creates a soundscape or/and soundwalk of the Kreenholm Manufacture’s golden times (soundcloud.com/nazarii-zanoz)
Oscar Lebeck (Germany) investigates the topic of the Vaivara concentration camp in northeastern Estonia through the medium of photography. (oscarlebeck.de/)
Payam Parsafar and Mana Madah (Iran) will work on a documentary film project on historic sites in Narva.
Saara and Jüri Mildeberg (Estonia) are a father and daughter duo. Jüri is a graphic artist and a book illustrator and Saara is a PhD student in cultural geography. Together they explore the image of the Kreenholm neighbourhood. (instagram.com/metsmildeberg/, cargocollective.com/saarahanna)
Sashapasha (Russia, Finland) is an artistic duo who will have two parallel projects – they collect old training clothes to create an artistic tapestry and they will research Kolga concentration camp in Harjumaa. (sashapasha.com)
In addition to the artists selected from the open call, Narva Art Residency will host several other residents in 2022. Hagen Verleger‘s and Christina Gruber‘s earlier residencies were postponed due to the Covid pandemic but can now hopefully fulfil them. A three-year research project “(Re)configuring Territories” will bring Laura Kuusk and the artist duo Variolambo to Narva. In cooperation with Finnish Cultural Foundation and HIAP, Narva Art Residency will host Jaakko Autio and Kenneth Bamberg. “Kreenholm Plants” community garden residency is taken by Sean Roy Parker.
Next open call will take place in the fall of 2022.