15.06 - 16.06.2024

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Space Nursing tour and workshop

Space Nursing tour and workshop

15 June at 12.00: Space Nursing Tour / Lichen Picking

Meeting point: Narva College
Register: https://forms.gle/3ER9vQUv4JJoWXL69

Notice the unnoticed around you! Lithuanian artist Augustas Lapinskas invites you on an educational walk in the Narva city, exploring the small details we often overlook. You will get to know the local nature and how it coexists with new and old urban environments. The walk introduces unique representatives of the mushroom kingdom – lichens. Do you know what lichens can tell us about urban air quality?

On the walk you will see the versatility of this unique organism and you will get to know of its special features. You will be able to collect local lichen and analyse it under a microscope. Lichen is a special organism, symbolising symbiosis between different lifeforms.

This tour is a first step in the Space Nursing practice which seeks to explore and raise awareness about the urban space around us.

In the next workshop the collected lichen will be used to make a special bio-paint.

16 June at 12.00: Space Nursing Workshop / Making your Bio-paint object

Meeting point: Narva Art Residency, Joala 18
Register: https://forms.gle/3ER9vQUv4JJoWXL69

We invite you to join a workshop in NART creating your own bio-paint object with Lithuanian artist Augustas Lapinskas. During the workshop you will learn the process of making bio-paste and using it to create your own artwork. Bio-paint is a special paste made from lichen. It can be applied on different surfaces to bring new life onto them. The artist uses this paste to make artworks in abandoned spaces to raise awareness about them. This workshop is a part of Space Nursing practice. By making your own biofilm object you can become a part of the Space Nursing community.

The workshop takes place in NART (Joala 18, Narva). Participants should bring their own containers if they want to take bio-paste home, and objects they want to add bio-paste on.