Tommi Vasko and Kaisa Karvinen | (Re)configuring Territories

01.11 – 31.12.2018

Architect Kaisa Karvinen and graphic designer Tommi Vasko form a research-duo that blend science fiction and performative methods to architecture, city planning and digital communication. Together with design journalist Ida Kukkapuro, they have founded Trojan Horse, a Helsinki based initiative that organizes summer schools, live-action role-plays and other events in order to explore the boundaries and preconditions that define the field in which architects and designers operate today.

In Narva Art Residency Kaisa and Tommi are writing a book with Tallinn based graphic designer Ott Kagovere. In the book, they are figuring out how role-playing could be used as a research method in the fields of design, architecture and urban planning. In February 2018 Kaisa, Tommi and Ott organised a role-play experiment that took place in Narva.

Tommi Vasko and Kaisa Karvinen | (Re)configuring Territories

Tommi Vasko and Kaisa Karvinen | (Re)configuring Territories

